Smart Capital LTD

Smart Moves

We pride ourselves on delivering excellence with integrity in our day-to-day work and showing respect to business partners and peers.

About Us

Smart Capital is a non-deposit-taking SME lending institution headquartered in Juba, South Sudan offering a variety of credit services at affordable rates to customers. We target businesses that require financial support on flexible terms.

Our Smart Overview

Smart Capital realized that there is limited access to credit facilities largely attributed to the level of perceived risks associated with SMEs.

Banks tend to opt out of providing these services to SMEs or demand collateral. The market is also characterized by high-interest rates combined with stringent regulations on lending making it difficult for the local businesses to access funding.

We stepped in to offer a fresh new approach to both current and emerging markets by selling convenience, efficiency, and a turnaround time of fewer than 24 hours.

Smart capital limited is a single one-stop company for all your financial needs.

Our major product is Trade Finance Loans which is a short-term loan repayable within 6 months. We offer easily accessible financial services with flexible payment plans that cater to the client’s business needs.

We are the most flexible personal loan platform in the market, giving Juba community more control over their finances with our unique features. We also offer a simple registration and application process.

SmartCapital was born out of a need to help SMEs access credit facilities.

What we smartly do

Our commitment to creating lasting impact means that we work and partner differently in aligning our interests with those of our clients for a lasting impact on our community.

Short-Term Loans

We provide quick and very competitively priced short-term finance to small business owners with steady incomes.

LPO Financing

We support businesses by financing the cost of goods to be supplied against a Local Purchase Order (LPO) received from a client, and/or issuer of a contract, enabling businesses to fulfill goods and services committed

Invoice Discounting

The product will help businesses access funds that are tied up in unpaid invoices.

Why we are a smart fit

Making financial decisions necessary to achieve your goals takes knowledge and commitment. We look at each client as an individual with personal as well as financial goals. Therefore, we have the best reasons as to why you should choose us to achieve your financial goals.

Our Objectives
Our Founding History

The company was founded in March 2022 as a private SME funding company to be a publicly listed company by the year 2025. The company was born out of a need to help SMEs access credit facilities that are currently disadvantaged due to stringent lending policies and terms.